Wednesday, 25 April 2018

EXP2- Week 3: 36 Textures and Renders

36 Textures

3 Chosen Textures

Light Texture

Medium Texture
Dark Texture
The theme my Light Rail 

Images and Applied Textures

I've used the light texture onto the pathway in the open area as the texture relates to the smooth flow of the paths. 

The medium texture has been used on the seats and the barriers giving the components a more organic design to them.

The blocks inside the Light Rail Stop are square and rectangular in shape just like the dark texture. These simple shapes represent the purism of the design based on Adolf Loof.

The design of this Light Rail Stop looks into a relationship between straight and curved lines. Organic and cube-like shapes can work harmoniously together creating a simple yet delicate space for people.

Sketchup Warehouse:

Lumion Scenes Dropbox:

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